Wednesday 4 May 2016

राष्ट्र नीति तुम्हे गढ़ना होगा

बहुत पूजा है राम को बहुत पढ़ा है कलमा 
अब राष्ट्र भक्ति तुझे करना होगा 
हिमालय पे फिर से चढ़ना होगा 
आजादी के लिए फिर से लड़ना होगा 

शिक्षक तुझे शस्त्र उठाने होंगे 
चाणक्य तुमको बनना होगा 
बहुत हो चुकी राजनीति
अब राष्ट्र नीति तुम्हे गढ़ना होगा 

सेकुलरिज्म का अर्थ बदल राष्ट्र धर्म उसे अब करना होगा 
 एन आइ टी मे  तिरंगा होगा जे न यू को भी सुधरना होगा
बहुत हो चूका तुस्टीकरण राष्ट्रीयकरण अब करना होगा
धर्म जाति का भेद मिटा के भारतीय सभी को बनना होगा 

बहुत खेल चुके बल्ले से अब बंदूकों से लड़ना होगा 
विराट कोहली की जगह हनुमंथप्पा तुझे बनना होगा 
हीरो अपने बदलने होंगे सम्मान फ़ौज का करना होगा 
वीरों की भूमि है ये वीर तुझे अब बनना होगा 

जिसने बेचा  है पठानकोट उन नेताओं से लड़ना होगा 
बहुत हो चूका जाँच का नाटक हमला तुझे अब करना होगा
बाँट दिया था ढाका को अब बलूचिस्तान पे भी  चढ़ना होगा
नापाक इरादो को निस्तेनाबूत तुझे अब करना होगा

नही चलेंगे नेहरू अब पटेल तुमको बनना होगा 
छीन लिया था हैदराबाद अब घाटी अपना करना होगा
३७० का कलंक मिटा के राज तिलक राष्ट्र का करना होगा 
भारत में रहना है तो जय हिन्द सभी को कहना होगा 

मंदिर से केसरिया मस्जिद से हरा लेके तिरंगा तुझे रँगना होगा 
हरा और भगवा छोड़ तुझे तिरंगे के लिए लड़ना होगा 
हिमालय पे फिर से चढ़ना होगा 
आजादी के लिए फिर से लड़ना होगा

                                                                   Author- PARTH SARTHI

Monday 4 January 2016



He is an ordinary man with extra-ordinary thoughts, who pledges to serve a cause, who pledges to get back the honour of our mother land. The honour of being only country in the world where we not only use to respect women rather we adored them as god. In India women remained to be the symbol of wisdom(saraswati), Health(tulsi), wealth(lakshmi), power(durga), Purity(ganga), prosperity(anpoorna), and anger(kali).This is the land where Lord Ram was asked to take part in the sacred hawan with sita else the hawan would have been never complete. A nation where Kunti got the power to invoke five different gods for the birth of her child.
He pedaled more than 27,000 kilometers in 57 months in 19 states- Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala, karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,Haryana, Punjab, & Rajyasthan and interacted approximately with 10 lakh people at more than 4000 points in cities, towns, townships & villages through out the country with his simple questions which are difficult to answer. He sketches our attention towards the unequal treatment given to child of two different sex right from the beginning of their childhood. How a girl child is made cultured, modest and civilized in the same family where her brother learns how to disrespect societal norms. She is supposed to remain under the supervision when her brother enjoys independence. She either cannot attend her friends B'day party or has to return before dark unlike her brother. She cannot go to the picnic, late night movie, any project work in the evening, or for roaming around the city which her brother very easily can do. She cannot extend her marriage for making her career whereas her brother can do it. She leaves her family, her surname, her friends in short her identity for her in-laws and in return gets exploitation, cruelty, dowry death and what not. our society bless them with acid attack, rape, eve-tease etc. Who is responsible for this? Some may say it is adoption of western culture, or the patriarchal society or may be lack of stringent law and order. But according to Rakesh Kumar Singh it is the unequal treatment which is responsible for these atrocities. So he strikes on the root of the problem perhaps.

But since last some decades condition of women has degraded drastically. Due to ill effect of our societal structure(patriarchal) and adoption of western culture women have lost their place. on one hand women who are part of glamour world, 90% of them are treated as thing(item number and advertisement), on the other hand they are subject to atrocities in the form of acid attack, rape, voyeurism, stalking, misbehave at work place, cruelty, dowry death and many more. One similar incidence of acid attack shaken Mr Rakesh Kumar Singh to a extend that he decided not only to raise his voice for gender equality but to make a serious effort towards curing this decease of inequality from the entire nation. Rakesh Kumar Singh hails from Bihar(Chapra), worked as media researcher for centre for the study of developing societies for 10 years. His meeting with an acid attack victim changed his life. As he stared his campaign on 15 march 2014 from Chennai in the form of a cycle ride for gender freedom ( which continued till 2018.

He asks our society to give equal treatment to both sons and daughters. Make them both cultured, well-behaved, and civilized. Make them both equally independent, independent to choose their career, their life-partner and their way of living. They don't need your supervision all the time rather they need your support. If he succeeds it will not only put an end to the atrocities against women but it will give them opportunity to participate in each domain of openings in the society with their true capacity. Be it as legislator, administrator, social reformer, an artist, a sportsperson, in defense forces etc. And our Nation will lead the whole world in area of gender equality.